Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Archive - 東京文化プログラム記録集

What we have been recommended as a countermeasure against COVID-19 is to avoid the “Three Cs” (crowded places, close contact settings, and closed spaces). their performance, since they must perform in close contact settings in closed spaces.infected from playing an instrument? No one really knew anything for certain. involved. The Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (TMSO) was one of the fast organisation to tackle these questions. With infectious disease experts’ cooperation, TMSO underwent to tests using the actual concert hall adjusting distances and suitable formations for players to achieve both comprehensive verification of actual performance and musical results. 10 different instruments, such as trumpet and flute, male and female singers, and with variety of orchestra formations. placed at a distance from each other, this results in changing the resonance of the group. between the players and increasing the number of performers in their group. They held numerous trial performances, and resumed giving concerts from July 2020. They succeeded in expanding full scope of their performances.concerts”, which served as a guideline for other orchestras both in and outside of Japan and helped to act as a bridge that reconnected the orchestras with classical music enjoy with a sense of security. When performances were resumed, the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre arranged the seats in a chequered pattern to maintain a distance between the visitors. They also implemented other measures, both on stage and in the audience seats, and continued to try different means to enable giving performances in a safe environment. Therefore, from February 2020, one orchestra after another started to announce that they would be suspending But what level of infection risk is there for a gathering of a certain number of people? Do people become And so, many different music organisations started to conduct experiments to scientifically study the risks TMSO also measured the aerosol particle concentration amount using laser light to visualise the droplets for With an orchestra, resonance is created when performers come and play together. When the players are And so, TMSO used the findings from their experiment to create a roadmap for slowly decreasing the distance TMSO released the results of this experiment under the title of “Roadmap and guidelines for the resumption of The concert halls and theatres that invite the audiences also implemented various measures to enable everyone Trial performance with distance between players gradually being reducedThe performance started with the players being spaced two metres apart. The spacing was gradually shortened in an attempt to find the ideal resonance for the orchestra as a whole.Chequered pattern for the seating arrangementsDistance was maintained between the seats in order to enable the audience to enjoy the performance with a sense of security. CANALE was able to come to Japan and perform together with the actorsMarco CANALE (centre) managed to pull off the performance. He appeared dressed as a warrior. また、観客を受け入れる側のホールや劇場でも、安心して観覧することができるための工夫を行いました。公演再開後の東京芸術劇場では観客同士の距離を確保するために、市松模様に座席を配置。安全な公演を実施できるよう、舞台上にも客席にも工夫を凝らし、常にトライを続けていきました。 海外との協働制作において、感染予防のための出入国制限は大きな足かせとなりました。その影響を大きく受けたプログラムのひとつが、「光の速さ -The Speed of Light-」です。 これは、アルゼンチン出身の演劇作家マルコ・カナーレによって企画されたもので、東京に住む高齢者たちとの交流の中からシナリオが作られ、その高齢者たちによって演じられるという演劇プログラム。当初、2020年5月に公演される予定でしたが、同3月に延期が決定。その後2021年5月の公演直前まで、12時間も時差のあるアルゼンチンと東京とをリモートでつないだ稽古が行われました。 当初は、リモートという慣れない環境の稽古に戸惑うだけでなく、インターネットを通じて、という形になったことで、言葉や文化が異なる演出家との意思疎通にさらに不安を覚えた出演者たちもいました。しかし、出演者とカナーレが1対1で対話する機会を作り、出演者の不安を取り除いたり、スタッフがミニチュアを使った動画で俳優の動きを分かりやすく説明するなどの試行錯誤を繰り返して創作環境を整えていきました。 公演直前の2021年4月に3回目の緊急事態宣言が発出。一時はカナーレの来日も危ぶまれましたが、無事に来日し、観客の前で上演することができました。演奏者の間隔を少しずつ狭めた試演演奏者の間隔を2mからスタート。オーケストラの「響き」を求めて、少しずつ間隔を狭めていきました。市松模様の座席配置安心して観覧できるように、観客同士の距離を確保しました。カナーレの来日・共演も実現無事、出演を果たしたマルコ・カナーレ(中央)。武者姿で登場しました。129│海外との協働制作Co-creation with overseas

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