Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Archive - 東京文化プログラム記録集

Traditional Performing Arts for Kids gives children the opportunity to receive direct instruction from leading performers in the fields of Noh theatre and Nihon-buyo dance, and musical instruments such as koto, shakuhachi, shamisen, and hayashi music, culminating in a full-scale on-stage performance to showcase what they have learned. countermeasures against infection, such as washing and disinfecting hands, disinfecting and cleaning the classrooms, using face shields, and reducing capacity and training time. This programme, in which children are given authentic instructions using traditional contents without adapting them for children or arranging them to incorporate modern trends, received a severe blow because they were limited in training time and adequate communication that could be provided. However, with many restrictions, the lecturers’ passion and the children’s interest toward traditional performing arts, combined with the great effort that the children made to practice what they have learned, resulted in a successful and wonderful performance on stage.After-school Diversity Dance started in 2019 as a project to have children experience cultural diversity by coming in touch with various dances enjoyed in different regions of the world, with the children choreographing and performing their own dance programme. After-school dance workshops were held in the three areas of Minato City, Kunitachi City, and Hinode Town of Tokyo.contemporary dance, local traditional performing arts, and dances from Trinidad and Tobago. During these workshops, the children learned not only the dances but also ventured into choreography and creative dance.about to create their own dance. When it resumed, the course of the programme was revised to have the children partake in workshops to learn parts of the creative process of developing a dance, followed by having them show what they learned by giving a performance in the area where their workshops were held with online at its core. When the project resumed, some areas held all of the workshops online, whereas other areas had a mix of online and face-to-face workshops, with each area working by trial and error to continue with the project. These Although activities became restricted due to COVID-19, lessons continued by being careful to implement various In each area, workshops were led by leading dancers in a wide variety of dance genre, which included flamenco, However, due to COVID-19, the workshops had to be suspended toward the end, just when the children were Children giving their full attention to their lesson on NohgakuAn authentic lesson given by one of the top performers of Nohgaku. The children worked hard in the face of many restrictions.Regional stage performance of creative danceMinato City expressed the world of Choju Giga (scrolls with caricatures of frolicking birds and animals) by combining different dances such as capoeira and traditional Chinese dance. ONOE Kikunojo, a performing artist who provided instruction, interacted earnestly with the children. Online performance of the creative danceThe children in the Hinode Town region showed their creative dancing online. © UEDA Yoichi 「キッズ伝統芸能体験」は、子供たちが能楽や日本舞踊、箏や尺八、三味線、お囃子などの伝統芸能を、各分野の一流の実演家の稽古のもと、本格的な舞台での発表まで体験するというもの。 新型コロナによって、さまざまな活動が制限される中、手指消毒の指導や稽古会場の清掃・除菌、フェイスシールドの着用など徹底した感染予防対策がとられ、定員や稽古の時間を減らしながらも継続されました。稽古や舞台の内容は子供向けや現代風にアレンジせず、伝統的な本格指導をするというこのプロジェクトにとって、稽古の時間や十分なコミュニケーションが制限されたのはかなりの痛手でした。しかし、制約の多い中、講師の熱心な指導と、子供たちが伝統芸能に興味を抱き、一生懸命練習に取り組んだ甲斐もあり、無事、素晴らしい舞台を披露することができました。 「放課後ダイバーシティ・ダンス」は、港区、国立市、日の出町という3つの地域で、放課後に世界や地域に根ざすダンスに触れながら、文化的多様性を体験し、子供たち自身がダンスを創作・発表するプロジェクトとして2019年からスタート。 各地域では、各分野の第一線で活躍する舞踊家と一緒に、フラメンコ、コンテンポラリーダンス、地元の伝統芸能、トリニダード・トバゴの踊りなど、実にさまざまな「舞踊」をワークショップ形式で習い、振付や創作にも挑戦しました。 しかし、新型コロナの影響により、最後に子供たちにダンスを創作してもらおう、というタイミングで残念ながらワークショップは中断に。その後、オンラインを軸とした「創作」のプロセスを部分的に体験するワークショップ及び地域での成果発表会へと実施方針を修正して再開しました。 再始動時は、ワークショップも全てオンラインで行われた地域、オンラインと実地を組み合わせた地域など、それぞれの地域が試行錯誤しながら開催し、子供たちの自由な発想と、体を動かすことの喜びに満ちた、独創的なダンスが各地域で作りあげられました。 このプロジェクトで印象的だったのは、子供たちの好奇心とやわらかな感受性です。初めて出会う、見知らぬ国のダンスでも、あっという間に吸収して、楽しんだり、休止期間後のリモートによる練習にも、すぐに慣れて熱中してしまいました。 ダイバーシティが、さまざまな垣根を飛び越えるものであるならば、子供たちはダンスを通じて、文化の違いも、コロナという垣根も飛び越えていったのかもしれません。能楽の稽古を真剣に受ける子供たち能楽師による、能舞台での本格的な稽古。子供たちは制約の多い中、一生懸命取り組みました。創作ダンスの地域発表会カポエイラや中国舞踊などを組み合わせ、「鳥獣戯画」を表現した港区。派遣舞踊家の尾上菊之丞も熱心に子供たちに声をかけていました。オンラインでの創作ダンスの発表会オンラインでダンスを創作した日の出町の子供たち。©植田洋一131│子供たちChildren

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