Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Archive - 東京文化プログラム記録集

The Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL official website, which served as the point of entry for people to learn about the festival and its diverse range of programmes, not only introduced the festival’s concept and statements but also provided a broad range of information about each events.During the period when many programmes were postponed due to COVID-19, the website posted a series of interviews with artists who were featured in Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL as well as people working behind the scenes to make the festival possible.In the interviews they talked about their passion for art and their thoughts about the city of Tokyo. These articles also discussed the compelling issue of how to deal with the pandemic, a topic of interest for many, and were read by a broad range of people regardless of their level of interest in art and culture.From the spring of 2021 as the Tokyo 2020 Games were approaching, the website posted a series of special feature articles, with highlights and reviews of the festival’s iconic cultural programmes. Furthermore, PR efforts were made to introduce the appeal of the Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL to those who were unable to actually attend by giving them a taste of what the programmes were like through a feature article published in “Time Out Tokyo,” a media outlet that is well known to readers both in and outside of Japan.The wide variety of programmes offered at the Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL were also introduced via the official Twitter account. The festival was promoted in the friendly and approachable manner that is characteristic of social media, such as by tweeting information on featured articles posted on the official website, as well as retweeting programme information announced by museums and other cultural facilities operated by the city of Tokyo.公式ウェブサイトを通じた広報Public relations using the official website 公式ウェブサイトでは、コンセプトコピーやステートメントなどの紹介に加え、多彩なプログラムから成り立つTokyo Tokyo FESTIVALに触れる「入口」となるべく、プログラム情報を幅広く掲載してプロモーションを展開しました。 コロナ禍に入り、多くのプログラムが延期となった期間には、Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVALを彩るアーティストや舞台裏で支える方々が、アートや東京への想いを語ったインタビュー特集を連載しました。コロナ禍にどう向き合うか、という多くの人にとって切実で共通の話題から、芸術文化への興味・関心の多少に関わらず、様々な読者に読んでもらうことができました。 東京2020大会を間近に控えた2021年春以降は、象徴的な文化プログラムの見どころや鑑賞レポートを紹介する特集企画を連載。また、海外の読者層にも浸透している「Time Out TOKYO」での特集記事を展開することで、展示の現場や会場に来られなくてもTokyoTokyo FESTIVALの魅力を享受し、追体験できるよう、広報を展開しました。公式Twitterアカウントでの情報発信Promoting information via the official Twitter account 公式Twitterアカウントでも、Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVALの多彩なプログラムを紹介しました。Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL公式ウェブサイトの特集記事を紹介するツイートや、美術館や博物館などの都立文化施設が発信するプログラム情報のリツイートなどにより、SNSならではの身近な距離感でのプロモーションを行いました。140公式ウェブサイト、SNSを通じたプロモーション・ブランディングPromotions & Branding via the Official Website and Social Media

元のページ  ../index.html#144
