Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Archive - 東京文化プログラム記録集

“THE FUTURE IS ART,” TTF's message to the world, became even more meaningful and significant with the spread of COVID-19. People around the world experienced being prohibited from going out for non-essential reasons, and restrictions were placed on cultural activities. Staying home gave us an unprecedented opportunity to review our way of life and think about our future. What do I think is important, and what can I live without? We suddenly found ourselves with time to reflect deeply on such questions, which we had hardly given a thought when we were busy going about our daily lives. I believe this experience lent new depth to how we related to the various artistic programmes offered by TTF. Hosting the festival meant dealing with major restrictions, but the cultural experiences gained—experiences that became possible only at that specific time and in that place—have given us a glimpse of the future that lies ahead, beyond the difficulties we face today.タイムアウト東京代表 ORIGINAL Inc.代表取締役Head of Time Out Tokyo, President of Original Inc.伏谷 博之 氏Fushitani HiroyukiActive discussions were held with the Tokyo Council for the Arts and with the working groups on what kinds of cultural programmes would be offered leading up to the Tokyo 2020 Games. We created a framework that would enable large numbers of artists and support staff to participate, based on having asked ourselves what was needed in order to fully leverage the strengths of the arts, how we could make the programmes a venue for artistic expression that would attract the attention of people around the world, and how to create an environment for artistic activities that could be continued into the future. We made it the government’s role to provide active assistance in the production and announcements of the arts programmes, and to help each project develop goals and devote time to making the necessary preparations. Meanwhile, the cultural programmes that were initially scheduled to take place over four years were postponed by one year, and we found ourselves searching for a way forward as the social environment changed day by day, placing our hopes on new ideas born out of the restrictions that were imposed upon us. Let us carry on this unprecedented cultural programme, which was imbued with a spirit of perennial passion, as Tokyo’s cultural policy into the future. 公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京機構長Director General of Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture三好 勝則 氏Miyoshi Katsunori TTFが世界に発信したメッセージ『THE FUTURE IS ART』は、コロナ禍においてよりリアルで重要なものとなりました。 世界中で不要不急の外出が禁じられ、文化活動も制限される中、私たちはステイホームという安全空間に閉じこもり、かつてない程の長い時間をこれまでの生活の振り返りや未来を考えることに費やしました。 自分にとって何が大切で何が必要でないのか。日々の生活に追われる中で、なかなか考える機会のなかったことにあらためて向き合う時間を持ったのです。 この経験はTTFで繰り広げられた様々なアートプログラムとの対話をより深いものにしたのではないでしょうか。 開催に際しては大きな制約がありましたが、あの時あの場所でしかできない文化体験は、困難の先にある未来をそれぞれに垣間見せてくれたのです。東京2020大会に向けた文化プログラムをどのようなものにするか、東京芸術文化評議会と部会における活発な議論が行われました。芸術文化が最大の力を発揮するには何が必要か、世界の人々が注目する芸術表現の場にしたい、活動環境を整備して後に残していきたい、多くのアーティストや関係者が参加できる仕組みを用意しました。それぞれが目標を立てて準備に時間をかけられるようにして、制作や公開を積極的に手伝うことも行政の役割としました。4年間かけて行う文化プログラムが1年延長され、制約の中から生まれる新たな発想を期待して、日々変化する社会状況の中で模索しました。息を切らさない熱意を感じられた前例のない東京文化プログラムを、文化政策として引き継いでいきましょう。148Engaging in dialogue with art, and looking toward the futureA Tokyo cultural programme without precedentアートと対話し、その先の未来を見つめる前例がない東京文化プログラム

元のページ  ../index.html#152
