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| Support for foreign residents | Bureau Of Citizens, Culture And Sports


Bureau Of Citizens, Culture And Sports

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  3. Disaster prevention drills for assistance of foreign nationals
Support for foreign residents

Disaster prevention drills for assistance of foreign nationals


Each year, the Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government conducts a disaster prevention drill to assist foreign nationals.
This training is intended to help foreign nationals who reside in Tokyo gain knowledge of disaster preparedness through hands-on experience and to encourage them to be physically and mentally prepared for disasters. At the same time, the training is designed to develop the skills of Tokyo Metropolitan Disaster Language Volunteer Interpreters and reinforce collaboration between the Tokyo Metropolitan  Government and concerned organizations.
*Who are the “Tokyo Metropolitan Disaster Language Volunteer Interpreters”?
They are volunteers who use their foreign language skills to assist foreign nationals when an earthquake or other major disaster occurs in Tokyo.

Main training program

The specific content of activities varies from year to year; however, the main activities are as follows:

  • Learning how to obtain disaster-related knowledge and information and means for confirming the safety of others (for participating foreign nationals)
  • Practice of emergency responses such as first aid and initial firefighting (for participating foreign nationals)
  • Translation and interpreting training (for Tokyo Metropolitan Disaster Language Volunteer Interpreters)

Record of past drills

The following table provides a list of recent drills. The schedule for future drills will be provided through the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's official website and other media when it becomes available.

Fiscal year (FY) Date Main venue
2014 Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium (Sumida Ward)
2015 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium (Shibuya Ward)
2016 Friday, January 20, 2017 Komazawa Olympic Park General Sports Ground (Seragaya Ward)
  • Experiencing the shaking of a major earthquake in an earthquake simulation vehicle
  • Learning how to give first aid treatment to neighbors when disaster strikes
  • Initial firefighting using a household fire extinguisher
  • Training on handling telephone inquiries from foreign nationals during a disaster (Tokyo Metropolitan Disaster Language Volunteers)